PSALM 140. & b Slow «««««« «««« ««« ˆ_«l ˆ« ˆ_«l « j ˆ««ˆ ˆ« ˆ«« l ˆ«. ˆ« nˆ_ « ˆ ˆ ˆ. -ˆ l ˆ« «. ˆˆ ˆ ˆ«« j ˆ ˆ ˆ« ˆ_ nˆ_ˆ_ «««« ˆ ˆ ˆ«.

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Byzante Basi Kazan (1915 2001) & b So son _ n. have cried out un e, & b. j _ n_ hear me. Hear & b me, Lord. have _ cried out & b. ṇ _ Œ e, hear me Give ear & b _ n. j voice sup pi ca & b tion, hen cry out un e. & b Hear & b So. j Let pray'r be _ me, set th be e & b. j as PSALM 140 cense, ift un Lord. g 5 e up Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 01/16/11 Rev 1 MK (riga key as Emor.)

6 Psam 140 Basi Kazan & b hs as thē eve ng sac ri & b. ŵ_ fice. Hear me, Lord. & b Fasṱ. Set a atch, be e mouth, a pro & b. tect g door a bout ips. n ce not & b.. heart e vi ords, make ex cus es ss... & b n Œ...ith men that ork iq ui ty, & b. i not com mu ni cate ith choic est m. & b The just man sha cor rect not oi me mer cy sha & b prove me; s but et Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 01/16/11 Rev 1 MK ner anot re head,

& b pray'r a so sha sti be a gast Psam 140 Basi Kazan thgs & b. hich y are e peased; ir judg es fa g ith up & b ŵ on rock have been sa oed up. They sha hear & b. ords y are seet; as hen earth bro ken & b. up up on ground, ir bones are thickness scattered & b Œ But e, & b e have put trust, take are not by me eyes; side a ay he. sou. & b ŵ Keep me snare hich y have aid me, & b ork ers iq ui ty. Let traps ick ed 7 Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 01/16/11 Rev 1 MK

8 Psam 141 Basi Kazan & b fa ir on n _. nets, hie a one es cape. & b Psam 141 cried un Lord ith voice; & b voice un Lord did make sup pi & b. ped out sup pi ca tion be & b shoed be e him & b When spir it as o trou e ver hemed ith ca him; ith be. tion. me, n & b kne est path. n ay here & b n _. aked have y se cret y aid a snare me. & b. ooked on right h be hed, but Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 01/16/11 Rev 1 MK

& b _ re as no one that oud kno me; re fuge Psam 141 Basi Kazan faied & b n _. me, no one cared sou. & b Œ cried un e, & b. re fuge por tion iv g. & b Œ. At tend un cry; am brought ver y o. & b De iv er me Lord; per & b. rs, y are strong er than. said, Thou se cu art 9 Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 01/16/11 Rev 1 MK

» _» _»» 10 Basi Kazan & b VERSE 1.. Brg sou out pr on that may prae thy name. & b STCHERN 1 Á. Ac cept eve ng pray'rs, ho y & b. grant us re m sion ss, a one hast & b ". made man i VERSE 2 fest res ur & b.. ord. The right eous & b STCHERN 2 Á. re com pense me. En com pass Zi on, ye & b U peo pe, sur round rec her. Give sha ye ait tion go un me, ry un re & b Œ him ho a rose & b ".. God ho de ivered us dead, trans gres he ti sions. Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 01/16/11 Rev 1 MK

_» Basi Kazan 11 & b VERSE 3 _ n _ ut depths have cried un e, Lord; & b STCHERN 3 Á. hear voice. come, ye peo pe, & b U _ n _ et us prae Chrt bo don be e him, go ri & b. fy g h res ur rec tion dead, he & b ". God ho de iv ered ord & b VERSE 4 en e. & b. ten tive voice sup pi ca tion. & b STCHERN 4 Á Re joice, ye Let heav the ens; ears sound & b _ n_ pets, ye foun da tions earth. Thun der th gad ness, Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 01/16/11 Rev 1 MK ies be trum at

» 12 Basi Kazan & b. ye moun tas, be hod, E & b U naied Cross & b " Life sa death, ra & b. Lov er & b VERSE 5 Œ f, shoud'st & b. ho sha st, ith e re give ness. & b STCHERN 5 Á ẇ He ho as i g y cru ci & b b # sake, ho did suf fer & b Œ ga dead, et say g: ss, mark fied g us up _» man as prae, iq bur Ad man ui u Giv fesh ied am, ties, e kd. er rose he a Chrt, Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 01/16/11 Rev 1 MK

& b Œ con firm thy Church r tho dox y, make Basi Kazan peace fu 13 & b ". _». ives art good Lov er man kd.» & b VERSE 6 Be cause thy name & b Œ Œ My sou ait ed up on have thy ait ord. & b STCHERN 6 Á hoped Lord. St g be e ed thy ife sou e, _ giv g Lord mb, & b e, gh un or thy, fer go ry the & b Œ ef fa be com pas sion, Chrt God, & b b # didst ac cept Cross death, s & b Œ " that might est grant res ur rection ord, ess one, art Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 01/16/11 Rev 1 MK

_» _»» 14 Basi Kazan & b good Lov er man kd. & b VERSE 7 Œ From morng atch un ti night, morn g atch & b STCHERN 7 Á. s ra e trust Lord. The Word, un o & b rig i nate, co e ter na ith Fa r, ho & b Œ ef fa by came a vir g omb, ho & b sake i g y ac cept ed Cross death, & b rose go ry, et us prae, say g: & b. Go ry e, Life & b. Sav i giv er, sous. et a Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 01/16/11 Rev 1 MK

Here end first seven verses resurrection stichera. When required, th fooed by verses eight, ne, ten three stichera sat day. When se are not sung, go directy "Gory Far... " Basi Kazan 15 & b VERSE 8 For ith Lord re & b. bun dant re demp tion, mer ============ & b a h iq ui ties. he cy, i de ith iv er him a s ra e No sg first sticheron sat, n Verse 9. & b VERSE 9 Prae a ye na tions. Prae him a ye peo pe. No sg second sticheron sat, n Verse 10. & b VERSE 10 For h mer cy great t'ard & b truth Lord en dur eth ev us, er. No sg third sticheron sat, n "Gory..." Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 01/16/11 Rev 1 MK